​PURE MAMA: Founder, Lara Henderson's Story

Posted by Holland J on Sep 16th 2024

Introducing Lara Henderson, the Founder and CEO of PURE MAMA,  a naturally  luxurious skincare range designed to support women throughout pregnancy and beyond.

How did the idea for PURE MAMA come about? Was it one of those brilliant lightbulb moments?

I guess it was a series of light bulb moments for sure. I was pregnant with my first baby in 2018 and started asking around about skincare options to help with my growing belly. The options were dire, and I was left both surprised and frustrated by the lack of pregnancy-specific body products, especially as our skin changes so much during this time and is pushed to its limits. After searching high and low for the right products, I was not only overwhelmed with conflicting information on the safety of ingredients but also shocked by the outdated market landscape that failed to acknowledge the complexity of motherhood, especially regarding the physical and emotional changes women go through. It became really clear to me that design-led, effective, natural products targeting modern mothers did not exist.

After speaking to hundreds of pregnant women and new mothers, it was clear I was not alone. In June of 2021, after two and a half years of extensive research and product development, we launched the brand to the market, selling out in just a few months. PURE MAMA really is my third baby, besides my two actual children. It encompasses a part of my life that was so important to me and that allows me to connect with our customers and community in a very real way. I get to show up as I am, live and breathe a brand I love, and work on creating beautiful, effective products.

What sets Pure Mama apart?

We understand our customer both physically and mentally. We know first-hand what she is looking for during pregnancy and where the friction points are, alongside how she might feel. Our team’s experiences very much play into our decisions, alongside our very honest and engaged social community @puremama_skincare. Pregnancy is such an incredible time in one’s life, but it’s also unique in the sense that you really need to live it to truly understand, not just physically but emotionally, too.

From a product point of view, we are very much guided by the highest caliber naturally performing ingredients for skincare. Our body care range harnesses the powerful, natural ingredients often used in facial skincare, such as Pomegranate and Raspberry Seed Oil, and concentrated levels of Vitamin E, which are miracle workers for skin hydration, elasticity and restoring skin. We’ve then married these with tried and trusted base blends of Coconut and Almond oils which have been used for centuries all over the world, to create a new, more nourishing range of skincare for pregnant woman and new mothers.

From a brand we are not afraid to embrace the real and raw journey of pregnancy. We know the pregnancy journey isn’t always (if ever) smooth sailing. Conception and pregnancy can be a bumpy road, both physically and mentally. There’s this huge stigma around pregnancy being a beautiful journey, which in essence it is, but the reality of the day to day can be far from that for women going through it. We are very much focused on lifting the lid on some of the conversation’s women are having behind the beautiful bump utopia shots. We are not afraid to be honest, raw, and bold. We are with women on their journey, all the way, through thick and thin and they should be able to talk about anything they want, and not feel judged or alone for it.

What are some best-selling products?

Our Belly Oil is our #1 best-seller. Pregnant women cannot get enough of it and so many women continue to use it as an all-over body oil post pregnancy. Second to that is our Pregnancy Care set which includes our 3 best-sellers for pregnancy – The Belly Oil, our luxurious Bump Scrub, and the incredible Magnesium Body Rub to help with sleep and discomfort in the later stages of pregnancy.

How do you believe your experiences as a woman and mother have shaped your approach to leadership and decision-making within your business?

How can it not, in this industry, right? You must have lived it (pregnancy and postpartum) to really understand your audience and your brand purpose. My previous experience, both personal and professional, feeds into everything that we do. My team is also very much in the same boat. We constantly draw on our previous professional experience and then work very collaboratively to make decisions. I also believe being a mother makes you inherently more empathetic towards mothers and parents, in general. So many things change when you have children; it can be really challenging when it comes to time management, especially when dealing with sick children, broken sleep, appointments, etc. I deeply respect that everyone who works for us needs to feel fulfilled both personally and professionally, so the way in which we work needs to be flexible and understanding. In saying that, I have never met such a group of hardworking, committed, intelligent women, and I feel so fortunate that they are deeply committed to our company vision.

In what ways do you advocate for gender equality and support other women in your industry?

I think it’s important to help lift each other up in this industry, especially as women who can support one another to succeed. We are a female-led business, and I am so proud of my team for showing up daily to give their all. Ensuring they have flexibility and support is always at the forefront of my mind. A 9-5 day is very rare in our world. I always try my best to offer support to other female-led businesses, too, especially when they are starting out. I am always happy to share my experience and learnings to help others pave their own way. Now that my children are a bit older, I am slowly building up my network, which is something I had been longing to do for a while. There are so many inspiring women out there who are willing to support one another, and it is incredible to see them lifting each other up.

What is your favorite thing about your business?

I think it’s the fact that PURE MAMA encompasses a part of my life that was so important to me and that allows me to connect with our customers in community in a really real way. I get to show up as I am, live and breathe a brand I love, and work on creating beautiful, effective products. Plus, I LOVE my team. They challenge me and make me laugh every day.