Edushape Sensory Hoops
Great for bath and pool fun, Sensory Hoops includes three 2???ª_???ª??? floating Edushape Original Sensory Balls plus a floating four hoop Edu-Foam ???ª???basket???ª???. Nubby Sensory Balls are easy to grip, even with wet soapy hands and Edu-Foam is extraordinarily resistant to mold, mildew and will not absorb water or misshapen, ensuring lots of long lasting, developmental fun!
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Great for bath and pool fun, Sensory Hoops includes three 2???ª_???ª??? floating Edushape Original Sensory Balls plus a floating four hoop Edu-Foam ???ª???basket???ª???. Nubby Sensory Balls are easy to grip, even with wet soapy hands and Edu-Foam is extraordinarily resistant to mold, mildew and will not absorb water or misshapen, ensuring lots of long lasting, developmental fun!