Infant Car Seats

  • Doona Car Seat Stroller Bestsellers Kidsland 550

    Doona Stroller Car Seat

    $550.00 - $650.00
  • Nuna Pipa RX Infant Car Seat with RELX Base Caviar Main

    Nuna PIPA RX Infant Car Seat with RELX Base

  • Cybex Callisto G 360 - All in one car seat

    Cybex Callisto G 360 Car Seat

  • Main Image For Nuna PIPA Aire with PIPA Series Base

    Nuna PIPA Aire with PIPA Series Base

  • Nuna PIPA Car Seat Base Main Image

    Nuna PIPA Car Seat Base

  • Nuna RELX Base For All Pipa Models Angle

    Nuna RELX Base for PIPA Car Seat

  • Doona Car Seat Stroller - Midnight Edition

    Doona Car Seat Stroller - Midnight Edition

  • Uppababy Mesa V2 Infant Car Seat in Gregory on Black Friday Sale

    UPPAbaby Mesa V2 Infant Car Seat

  • Cybex Cloud Q with SensorSafe Infant Car Seat Main Image

    Cybex Cloud Q with SensorSafe Infant Car Seat

  • Minu + Aria travel system main image

    UPPAbaby MINU V2 + ARIA Travel System

  • Clek Liing Ziipp Latte color

    Clek Liing Infant Car Seat

    $479.99 - $529.99
  • Main Image for UPPAbaby Aria Car Seat

    UPPAbaby Aria Infant Car Seat


Car Seat Buying Tips Based on Safety, Comfort, and Price.

  • The best car seat buying tips are based on safety, comfort, and price.
  • Children should ride in a car seat from birth, until they are between 8 and 12 years old. (Check State for age)
  • Car seats can be bought for different stages, depending on the child's age.
  • It is important to keep an eye on discounts so that you can buy the right car seat for your child.
  • Check the car seat's safety ratings
  • Compare prices and features of different models
  • Keep your child safe by following the manufacturer's instructions

Find the Best Car Seats at Kidsland

With so many different brands, options, and features, how do you know which one is right for you? We at Kidsland carry all of the top brands, including Britax, Graco, Evenflo, and more. Plus, our experts are here to help you choose the perfect car seat for your child’s age and size. Shop our selection today and find the best car seats at KidsLandUSA!

Classic Infant Car Seat Deals

The car seat is one of the most important pieces of equipment you will need to keep your child safe while driving. It is important to find the right car seat for your child and to get a good deal on it. KidsLand is currently offering discounts on some of the best infant car seats on the market today. The Graco SnugRide Classic Connect 30 Infant Car Seat is one of the top-rated car seats on the market today. It has a 4-star rating from over 1,400 reviews. It is designed for infants of 4 to 30 pounds and has a removable infant insert that can be used for smaller babies. The seat also features an adjustable handle, which allows you to carry it easily and a one hand release system. This car seat has plenty of safety features, including side impact protection, steel reinforced frame and a five-point harness to keep your baby safe while riding in the car.

Other classic baby car seats currently on sale at include Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat, Graco Snugride Click Connect 35 and many more.

All-in-One and Convertible Car Seat Deals is the leading online baby store in the US providing high-quality products for babies and young children since 1999. The company offers a wide selection of products including strollers, cribs, car seats, highchairs and much more. The company ships products to the US and Canada with fast delivery options available. Customers can also opt for in-store pick up. 

This year, KidsLand has gathered some of the best infant car seats deals for parents. Convertible car seats and all-in-one car seats are available at discounted rates, so make sure to check out the spring sale before it ends. All sales and prices are accurate as of publishing, so act fast!

Many All-in-One car seats and convertible car seats are on sale here at Kidsland, such as the Graco 4Ever and the Evenflo Maestro.

One of the most popular car seats for sale on is the Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat, which is a top-rated car seat for sale and has received great reviews from parents. Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat features an adjustable five-point harness, which makes it easy to secure your baby in the car seat. The Keyfit 30 is also easy to install, which makes it a great option for parents who are looking for a hassle-free way to secure their child in the car. It is a great car seat for sale because it has been crash tested, which means that parents can feel confident in the safety of their child while they are riding in the car. Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat is the best infant car seat for sale because it offers a comfortable and safe ride for your child, which makes it ideal for long trips.

The best deals include infant car seats and booster seats and travel systems and strollers.

Forward-facing and Booster Seat Deals

Booster car seats are typically for school-aged children and offer the same safety standards as forward-facing car seats. They can be used in either the rear-facing or forward-facing position depending on the weight and height of the child. Different types of booster car seats are available for purchase, but not all of them are created equal. There are several types of forward-facing and booster seats: harnessed booster seats, belt positioning booster seats, and no back booster seats. It is important to know the difference so that you can make the best decision for your child.

Convertible car seats can be used forward and rear facing when installed. Rear-facing positions are used until the child is around 40+ pounds before it is turned forward for continued usage. These seats are used longer than forward-facing car seats and have higher safety ratings.

Convertible Car Seats can be found at KidsLand for a very low price. They often include a rear-facing tether strap and a cup holder.

Seasonal Car Seat Sales at KidslandUSA

KidslandUSA has seasonal car seat sales where parents can easily find heavily discounted items from the top baby gear brands. They are available in a variety of styles and configurations to fit different families' needs. Seasonal car seat sales help parents afford the car seats they want, without compromising safety for their children. Car seat safety is an important part of parenting. It's important to know how to install a car seat correctly, as well as what kind of car seats are best for your child. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children ride in a car seat until they are at least 4 years old.

In addition to seasonal sales, KidslandUSA also offers free shipping on orders of over $40.

Infant Car Seats Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about infant car seats.

How long should a child be in a rear-facing car seat?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least one-year-old, or until they reach the maximum height or weight for their seat, whichever comes first. Rear-facing car seats are designed for infants less than one-year-old and less than about 35 pounds. There are many types of car seats available, so it is important to choose one that can be secured tightly.

How long does a child have to be in a car seat?

A child should be in a car seat until they are at least 2 years old and weigh at least 20 pounds. Children should use a car seat or booster seat until adult seatbelts fit them properly. This is often when they reach about 4 feet 9 inches. Most kids won't be able to use an adult seatbelt safely until they are about 10 or 11 years old.

Your baby's height and weight also need consideration when choosing a car seat. When a car seat if rear facing, the baby's head should be at least one inch below the top of the seat, and a child's ears should be below the top of the car seat when the seat is facing front.

The best place to buy a car seat is at a store that specializes in baby products. If you buy your car seat used, make sure it has not been in an accident and always follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing the seat in your car.

A good place to start looking for a new car seat is at, where you can find a wide selection of seats for babies and children up to six years of age.

What are the height and weight requirements for a booster seat?

When you're buying a car seat, you'll usually find a height and weight requirement. These requirements are usually on the package, but they can also be found on the car seat itself. Once a child exceeds the height or weight requirement for forward-facing car seats, they can use a booster seat.

There are several types of booster seats (harnessed booster seats, belt positioning booster seats, and no back booster seats). Each one's usage depends on the weight and height of the child.

Your baby's height and weight need consideration when choosing a car seat. The convertible seats can then be used in a forward-facing position until the child exceeds the specific seat's height/weight limit. 

What is a convertible car seat?

A convertible car seat is a car seat that can be converted from a forward-facing seat to a booster seat. They are designed for children who are between the ages of 4 and 8. Convertible car seats can be used either in the front or the back seat of the car.

A convertible car seat is a car seat that can be used in both the forward-facing and rear-facing positions. It is typically used until the child reaches around 40 pounds.

Rear-facing positions are recommended until the child is around 40+ pounds to reduce the risk of injury in a crash.

What other factors are important to consider when purchasing a car seat?

Safety is always a concern when it comes to children and travel, but there are other things to consider when purchasing a car seat. The most important features to consider include:

  • Size of the car seat.
  • Weight of the car seat.
  • How the car seat is installed.
  • How the car seat is used.
  • How the car seat is cleaned.
  • How the car seat is stored.
  • The car seat should be compatible with the car, it should be secure and allow little to no wiggle room. 
  • The height and weight of the child must be considered at all times.
  • Car seats come in a variety of styles and designs to meet the needs of different families.
  • Other factors that should be considered when purchasing a car seat include: age, height, and gender of the child. 

How do I know if my child needs a car seat?

Children who are taller than 4 feet 9 inches also need to be in a car seat, even if they weigh over 80 pounds.

What type of car seat should I buy for my child?

There are several types of car seats available on the market, including rear-facing only seats, forward-facing seats with harnesses, and booster seats. It is important to choose the right type of seat for your child’s age and size. For more information, please consult the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Child Car Seat Buying Guide.

How do I install a car seat?

For more information, please consult the manufacturer’s instructions or refer to our KidslandUSA website's individual product installation guidelines.

Can I use my car seat in other cars?

Car seats can only be used in cars that have been specifically tested and approved for that particular car seat model.

What should I do if my child is injured in a car accident?

If your child has been transported in an ambulance, contact the ambulance company and provide them with your child’s name, age, and medical condition. Then, contact the car seat manufacturer to find out if your child’s car seat was involved in the accident.

What to do with car seats that expire?

When a car seat expires, it's important to dispose of the seat in a way that is safe and environmentally responsible. The expiration date is always printed on the car seat itself.

You can recycle or donate your expired car seats, but some people may choose to sell them on sites such as eBay or Craigslist.

When should I buy an infant car seat?

When you're thinking about purchasing a car seat for your baby, make sure that you get the right seat for the right age of the baby. Infant car seats are designed for babies from birth up to about 6 months old. Convertible car seats are for babies from about 5 to 10 years old, and booster seats are for kids who have outgrown their infant or convertible car seat.

The best place to start your search for an infant car seat is at your local fire department. Many fire departments will be able to help you find the right seat for your baby. You can also call the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at 1-888-327-4236, or visit their website at

Can I donate a car seat to charity?

Yes, you can donate a car seat to any charity you choose, even to a charity that you don't know much about.

How long do babies use infant car seats for?

Infant car seats are used for a period between the ages of 6-12 months. The average age for a baby to be ready to be in an infant car seat is 3-4 months. Infant car seats are designed to keep your baby safe and secure while in the car. Any infant car seat will provide comfort for your child as well as safety features that ensure they do not get injured in the event of an accident. The best infant car seats are made from a durable material that will keep your child safe and secure while they ride in their car seat.

What are the height and weight guidelines for car boosters?

The height and weight guidelines for car boosters are very much dependent on the age and size of your child as well as how far you intend to drive. The most common guideline is that children should not be able to reach the pedals or the steering wheel of a car. 

The best car seats are those that are easy to use and install correctly every time. What should you look for in a car seat that is easy to install? Definitely a LATCH system! The special LATCH system makes it easier to install the car seat because you don't have to use the seat belts with it.

What is one term associated with infant car seats? 

The "Infant Car Seat" refers to a baby's car seat for their safety while riding in a vehicle.

What is the average cost of a convertible car seat?

The average price of a convertible car seat is currently $200.

What are the differences between a booster seat and a forward-facing car seat?

Booster seats are typically for school-aged children, whereas forward-facing car seats are only for children who have reached the recommended height and weight.

What is the difference between a convertible car seat and a booster seat?

Convertible car seats can be used in both forward or rear facing positions, whereas a booster seat is generally used to support smaller children or toddlers who have not yet reached the height requirement of their forward-facing car seat.

What does "rear-facing" car seat mean?

Rear-facing means that the child's weight is supported by their bottom instead of their back, which means that their head, neck, and spine are not in danger during accidents.

How long does a baby typically use an infant car seat for? 

A baby typically uses an infant car seat for about three months of total usage combined.

What should I do if my child is injured in a car accident?

If your child has been transported in an ambulance, contact the ambulance company, and provide them with your child’s name, age, and medical condition. Then, contact the car seat manufacturer to find out if your child’s car seat was involved in the accident.