Tricycle/Balance Bike/Ride on Modes:
Usage: Up to 3 years and 35 lbs
Balance Bike: L: 26.5 x W: 11.0 x H: 21.0 in.
Ride-On: L: 26.5 x W: 11.0 x H: 21.0 in.
Tricycle: L: 24.6 x W: 16.5 x H: 21.0 in.
Seat Specs: L: 10 x W: 4.5 in.
Seat Height: 11.75 in. from ground
Product Weight: 11.2 lbs
Scooter Mode Specs:
2 and 3 Wheel Scooter Modes:
Usage: Up to 5 years and 48.5 lbs
Dimensions: L: 26.5 x W: 11.0 x H: 31-33.5 in.
Product Weight: 11.2 lbs
Handlebar Height: 31 - 33.5 in.